No Limits Fitness 
11 Kennedy Way
Belfast, BT11 9AP
New Little Black Dress Challenge 
Claim Your Spot NOW!
“The Little Black Dress Project is on a MISSION to help women become more self-confident, lose weight, and celebrate being strong and sexy.”
Monday 12th September
 LBD 6 week Challenge  
The 6 Week Fitness Challenge That Burns Twice The Fat, 
Gets Toned, Tight,  Lean Arms & Thighs While Shrinking Belly Fat Getting You Ready for Summer Holiday Season!

Dear Belfast Residents,

Hi, I am Daniel McCaffrey and I want to make it my personal mission to help 10,000 women in our community feel more confident and beautiful from the inside out! 

You probably already know of No Limits Fitness and our proven fat loss methods, my nutrition coaching, and our community support and accountability, it is nearly impossible for you to fail.

You just have to be ready to commit and take action on the things myself and our coaches prescribe for you to do.

It's that easy, you just have to make up your mind that right now, it is your time!

This 6 Week Program will get you re-focused, motivated and inspired to live a life with meaning!

I look forward to working with you!
What's Going To Happen During The Little Black Dress Project?
  • Weight loss BUT we will focus on DROPPING A DRESS SIZE 
  • You will cleanse and detoxify your body of impurities, chemicals, and artificial toxins. 
  • You will create new and healthy habits to replace your not-so-sexy ones.
  • You will FINALLY kick your cravings and you will restore your body back to the way it is designed to function.
  • You will learn how easy is it to make a healthy and delicious meals so you don’t get trapped into eating something not conducive to your goals.
  • Your body will learn how to optimise its fat-burning potential so you no longer have to hide behind your clothes and can always find something to wear in your closet.
  • You will be a part of an amazing group of women working towards the same goals that you are.
  • Celebrate at the end of the 6 weeks at "The Little Black Dress" RED Carpet Event in your dress!! Post CoronaVirus :)
Registration CLOSES IN ONLY:
What Is The 6 Week Challenge All About?
When it comes to results, we’ve got the perfect formula for you to look and feel your best without boring cardio or over-restrictive diets.
Metabolic Strength Training
During these 6 weeks you will have full access to all our system proven fat burning online coached classes. We are a huge component on form and will guid you through a instructed kettle bell foundations class prior to starting. During this class it will give us the opportunity to identify any movement patterns that need to be adjusted and will allow us to provide one on one coaching. 

6-Weeks of Incredible (Dietician-Approved) Meal Plans
You can’t out train a bad diet. Any training program that doesn’t come with a nutrition component will fail, that’s why we have built you a nutritional framework that’s flexible and fits your lifestyle. No more “rabbit food” diets. We understand that sometimes you just need someone to show you how or tell you what to do, this is where we have you covered. No need to think, just do what’s prescribed everyday and the results will take care of themselves.

37-Page Recipe Book
Dieting can be boring, we know it, so let us show you how we combat the dreaded ‘rabbit’ food, broccoli, brown rice and chicken breast diet (yuck!) We made sure to include a 37-PAGE recipe book that includes GREAT-TASTING foods from: smoothies and protein shakes, seafood and soups, beef and chicken, plus so much more! After this you will discover that dieting does NOT have to be boring.

Weekly Grocery Lists
White bread or wheat? Brown rice or white? Sweet potatoes or yams? What is even the difference!? Too many questions that leave you in the grocery store isle wondering what you need to get while studying food labels. We’ve all been there, that’s why we made sure to include a weekly grocery list of ‘trainer approved’ foods that will leave no guess work on your part. For once you can just get in and out of the store with confidence knowing that what you have is going to get you those results in the next 6 weeks.

Complete Success Manual
Have you ever just wanted an instruction manual built just for you? Telling you what YOU need to do to get the results that you want? Here you go! Our success manual will cover EVERYTHING from: blood sugars, hormones, macros, water, supplements, etc… in other words we cover everything that could hinder or help your results. We made sure to leave no stone unturned. This is great for those that just want to know how this ‘transformation’ thing really works and want to continue to find out even more.

Inspirational Emails
Some days are harder than others. Making a health and fitness lifestyle change isn’t always going to be easy. If it was, you wouldn’t be here. We know, we’ve been there too. That’s why we make sure to include some of our best and most inspirational pieces that keep us going when the day is hard. Some days you just need to be reminded that you are on the right path and success is right around the corner.

Accountability Checks
Get expert coaching from our coaches with the support of others who are just like you. Leadership and accountability could be the missing ingredient you need to make this time count. There is a reason our clients are so successful, and it’s because we do extensive results and accountability checks. You will know that we will know when you’ve been sneaking in Oreo cookies or missing workouts. Once you know that you can’t get away with it, all of a sudden results happen. In part because you know we WILL be checking your measurements, results begin to happen.
LBD Nutrition Plan
6 Weeks of a clean, whole foods meal plan that is designed to detoxify a woman's body and turn it into a sexy, fat-burning machine that we can be PROUD of. You will rid your body of sugar cravings, rev up your metabolism, and this plan will give you the ENERGY to take on the world.
  • LBD Success Manual- Filled with our best tips & tricks to keep you on the right path.
  • LBD Recipe Book- We live by a “clean” & whole-foods approach to everything we put into our bodies. The recipes in this book WILL help you to cleanse & detoxify your body, regulate your blood sugar, optimize your metabolism, and give you the energy you need to take on your amazing day
  • 6 Weeks Done-For-You Meal Plans- 6 Weekly plans to know exactly when and what to eat 
  • Print and Go Grocery Shopping Lists- Get exactly what you need for each and every recipe we provide
  • Complete Food Exchange List- Know exactly what foods you can exchange for your means
  • Tips for making healthier eating choices while dining out. While eating out isn't the best way to lose weight, we put this together for you to make better choices out on the town.
  • Portion Control Guide - Portion control is EXTREMELY important! Even when you are eating a clean diet, calories in the oils, nuts, and fruits can add up.
LBD Coached Accountability

We CARE about you getting the results that you want and we will go that extra mile to make SURE you stay on track with the program.
  • Little Black Dress “Daily Dose”
    You will get a daily email that’s filled with inspiration, motivation, and tips & tricks to help you to stay on track with the program.
  • LBD Private Facebook Group
    We’ve created a private group where you’ll be able to talk to other women working towards the same goals and dealing with similar struggles. A great way to keep each other accountable and share tips.
  • Goal Setting Guide
    We’ll help you define a clear set of goals to set you on a path to success.
  • Measurement and Picture Guide
    Before and after pictures and measurements are important for you to determine overall progress. The number on the scale is not the best measure of success.
At the end of your 6-week commitment to The Little Black Dress Project, to your diet, your health & fitness, and most importantly, to yourself…. We are going to have a Girls Night Out to celebrate your HUGE accomplishments and ROCK YOUR LITTLE BLACK DRESSES!
VIP Invitation to our Grand Ball Formal event 
  • Little Black Dress VIP Invite only Party
    Come join us Saturday 22nd October all being well and rock your little black dress (location a secret) and we will toast your accomplishments over cocktails and treats.
  • The VIP Party is open only to the participants of the Little Black Dress Project and members .
  • Location is Top Secret and we will let notify everyone where to be and when closer to the date. = )
  • The Top 5 "biggest transformations" will receive hair stylist and makeup application for the big night!
Here's How the 6 Week Little Black Dress Project Works
  • You commit to working out with our team of fun, motivating coaches at least 3x per week in our supportive, non-intimidating gym with an amazing community of people. We have over 35  sessions per week to choose from! 
  • The workouts will be fun and are designed specifically to sculpt lean, sexy, and strong muscles, and to burn max fat in minimum time. The best part is workouts are only 30 minutes each! Most clients say the workout's over before they know it!
  • You'll receive an easy-to-follow MEAL PLAN, Grocery Lists and tons of information to maximise your results!
  • You will be required to keep a food journal during the challenge so that we can help you with YOUR specific food challenges! A new and improved meal plan to keep you energised all day long! 
  • You will have access to weekly LIVE coaching Videos as well as in gym coaching, where I will check in with you and be there for you and to keep you accountable and motivated. (We'll know if you're slacking and make every effort to keep you on your path of progress!)
  • You will have 24 hour access to our SECRET VIP Facebook LBD Group where you can post with any and all questions as they come up, share your success and struggles, and get advice, feedback, and support. We'll also be sharing lots of great tips, tasty recipes, and funny photos, so this is the place to be for all your challenge needs!
So what are you waiting for??? Get started and take that first step to TRANSFORMING your body this summer!
Pricing Options
Only 15 spots left!
 Lock in Now for ONLY 1 Payments of £197!!!
Our lowest in GYM Price EVER....... 
The best part is how incredibly affordable this fat-melting program is! 

You see, this program regularly goes for £297, however since I want to help more people in our community and since this is a perfect time for you to join this program (and get lean, tight & toned) I’ve dropped the price for the entire 6 Week online Little Black Dress Program to only 1 Payments of £197 . When You Register NOW

That’s a HUGE savings ! It is going up to the regular price on the 4th September


I literally *GUARANTEE* your results so you have nothing to lose (except FAT!)

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get in touch with you?
Yes, you can ask any question you want. You can email me at or call me at 07452980817
Is this really intense?
We prefer fun, challenging and effective! While the Little Black Dress Project is a very intense program, no one will be yelling in your face and pushing you until you vomit. Instead, our coaches will treat you with respect and teach you in a way that inspires you to commit yourself and push you to that next level, when appropriate.
How much weight will I lose?
It depends on a number of things such as your weight, age, current fitness regime, goals, etc. We have had people go through the challenge and lose as much as 26 pounds during the 6 weeks, but we care more about the overall picture of your results which includes metrics other than just weight. Measurements, strength, the way your clothes fit, and what you see in the mirror are all equally important aspects of the total body transformation that occurs during the Little Black Dress Project.
I’m super out of shape. Is the Little Black Dress Project right for me?
Absolutely! This is great for everyone from women who have never worked out to women who have years of experience exercising. The Little Black Dress Project is designed to be an individualised program in a community setting, allowing everyone to benefit from the camaraderie but still “go at their own pace.” With different size weights, easier and more difficult exercise variations, people of all levels can get Transformed!
Will I starve to death on your diet plan? 
NO, absolutely not. Our diet and nutrition guideline has been carefully planned in detail to give your body enough “fuel” for your boot camp “fire”. Our goal is to provide you with a certain amount of protein, calories and carbs to keep you feeling satisfied, while leaning you out at the same time. Real Food=Real Results. We even have complete day to day meal plans that you can follow as well as a handy grocery shopping list.
How much is it? Do I pay all at once?
Because I want to make this affordable for anyone, The Little Black Dress Project is only one payment of £197!. 

You can pay in 2 instalments for 2 x £117– the first payment is due at the time of registration, the second will automatically debit at 4 weeks from that date. 
What if I’m unable to finish the Challenge?
Full refunds are available up to two weeks before the program start date with written notification. After that date (28th August), NO refunds will be permitted, however we can apply your payment to later training packages. If during the Six Weeks you are unable to complete the program for any reason, you will still be charged the full cost of the program. *The money back guarantee is only offered if after the entire program you are not satisfied with your experience. If program is not fully completed for any reason, no refund will be given. 
Where are you located?
No Limits Fitness- 11 Kennedy Way, Belfast, BT11 9AP
What is your schedule?
Choose which location of your house suits you best :)

No Limits Fitness Monday: 6:30am, 7:00am, 9:30am, 5:00pm, 5:30pm, 6:00pm, 6:30pm, 7:00pm
Tuesday: 6:00am, 6:30am, 7:00am, 9:30am, 5:00pm, 5:30pm, 6:00pm, 6:30pm, 7:00pm
Wednesday: 6:30am, 7:00am, 9:30am, 5:00pm, 5:30pm, 6:00pm, 6:30pm, 7:00pm
Thursday: 6:00am, 6:30am, 7:00am, 9:30am, 5:00pm, 5:30pm, 6:00pm, 6:30pm, 7:00pm
Friday: 6:30am, 7:00am, 9:30am, 5:00pm, 5:30pm, 6:00pm
Saturday: 8:30am, 9:00am
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